33 And A Third Facts About St. Patrick’s Day
Thursday, March 10th, 2016

Who was Maewyn Succat, and how did he go on to become Ireland’s globally-celebrated patron Saint Patrick?
We have put together an educational infographic that contains 33 (and a third!) facts about Saint Patrick’s Day, from Patrick’s own childhood on the western coast of Britain, to how both sides of the Atlantic have developed traditions to celebrate the national Irish holiday. The informative infographic is fascinating to both children and grown-ups alike, with the first ever St. Patrick’s Day parade in 1737, to Patrick’s founding of the Armagh Cathedral, and the other countries that have a connection to our own patron saint.
Fun, educational and sometimes surprising, our 33 (and a Third!) Facts about St. Patrick’s Day infographic is bound to put a smile on your face for this St. Patrick’s Day.
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